The Back Bay National Wildlife Refuge is located in Virginia Beach. This wildlife refuge was established in 1938. The group can observe the wildfowl using different methods. Featured ways to access the habitats include: marsh trails, bikes, a board walk overlook, and the beach. Featured habitats include: sand dunes, maritime forests, fresh water marshes, ponds, ocean beach, and large impoundments for wintering wildfowl. There are also guided tram tours available as well. The guide will explain each animal. There are several wildfowl on the refuge. Featured animals include: the American Black Duck, the Tundra Swan, the Loggerhead Sea Turtle, the white-tailed deer, bobcat, thrushes, warblers, woodpeckers, migrating songbirds, Sandpipers, sanderlings and willets. These are just a few of the interesting species. The location also offers adult programs. Featured programs include the following: evening tram tours, nature camps and turtle talks. Another special program is Herp Walks. These walks allow visitors to see snakes, frogs, toads, and turtles. Take some time during your visit to see this interesting attraction.
Exploring America > U.S. Cities > Virginia Beach Tours